
Article Index
HIV Drug and Treatment
- Changing Antiretroviral Therapy: Why, When, and How
- Nutrition and HIV
- Introduction: Why Do We Need a New Class of HIV Medications?
- Entry Inhibitors: A New Class of HIV Medications
- How Does Fuzeon Work?
- What We Know About Fuzeon
- Who Fuzeon Works Best For
- Fuzeon's Side Effects
- Conclusion: Fuzeon's Role in Treatment
- Ten Tips on Injecting Fuzeon
- FUZEON: avoiding injection-site reactions
- Could green tea prevent HIV?
- Ayurvedic Management of HIV/AIDS

- Scouts get the HIV message
- Perspectives on Asia Pacific AIDS conference
Myanmar: Towards universal access
Orphans with HIV/AIDS and Family Health and Wellness Programs to Benefit from Constella's Enhancing Human Health Grants
- Foods debunked as alternatives to AIDS meds
- Thailand HIV/AIDS Situation
- Kenya: HIV Patients Suffer As Drug is Recalled
- Niger's Religious Leaders Form Alliance To Prevent Spread Of HIV
- Morality Gets a Massage
An African Solution
- Greytown Hospital Kept Open with Help of Umvoti AIDS Centre Volunteers
- Guangdong faces severe HIV situation
- UN corrects itself, India’s HIV situation isn’t that bad
- New AIDS figures show low prevalence (India)
- The Sydney Declaration: Good Research Drives Good Policy and Programming - A Call to Scale Up Research
- Million more AIDS deaths forecast in South Africa by 2010
- Brazilian President Silva Issues Compulsory License for Merck's Antiretroviral Efavirenz
- FDA Approves First Oral Fluid Based Rapid HIV Test Kit
- HIV/AIDS funding gap could hit 50% by 2007: U.N. agency

- Red ribbon history
- HIV and AIDS in africa
Dr Krisana Kraisintu first used her pharmaceutical expertise to make HIV/Aids treatment affordable in Thailand, then she moved on to Africa
- Speech at Harward by Bill Gates
- Quit complain in
- Urban action networks; HIV/AIDS and community organizing in New York City
- Living With HIV


HIV Positive and Pregnancy

HIV testing during pregnancy is important because antiviral therapy can improve the mother's health and greatly lower the chance that an HIV-infected pregnant woman will pass HIV to her infant before, during, or after birth. The treatment is most effective for babies when started as early as possible during pregnancy. However, there are still great health's benefits to beginning treatment even during labor or shortly after the baby is born. CDC recommends HIV screening for all pregnant women because risk-based testing (when the health care provider offers an HIV test based on the provider's assessment of the pregnant woman's risk) misses many women who are infected with HIV. CDC does recommend providing information on HIV (either orally or by pamphlet) and, for women with risk factors, referrals to prevention counseling.

Some side effects are appearing to be more common in HIV+ women than men. This may be due to the fact that women have higher levels of certain HIV drugs in their bloodstreams, even though they take the same doses as men. A woman’s smaller body size, metabolism, or hormones may cause the higher levels. For example, with the PI (protease inhibitor) Norvir, women seem to experience more nausea and vomiting but less diarrhea than men. Despite the difference in drug levels and side effects, women seem to benefit as much from HIV therapy as men. No changes in dosing have been recommended for women.

Being an HIV – positive mother to be does not guarantee that your child will be born HIV positive. HIV transmission usually occurs during delivery ,but can also before birth in the mothers womb .If an HIV positive mother receives appropriate care throughout her pregnancy ,including medication to lower the amount of virus in her blood ,HIV may not spread to the child .Without treatments .risk of HIV transmission to the child is higher but with medications taken regularly throughout the pregnancy ,as well as delivery by caesarian section ,the risk of transmission is lowered. dramatically – to about a 1-2%chance of transmission .It is important to note that all children are born with their mothers antibodies, and will therefore test positive on HIV antibody screening tests, regardless of their actual status. These antibodies will usually clear sometime between 6-18 months after birth and viral load testing can be done around 6months to determine the infant’s actual status.

A study sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious diseases (NIAID) in Uganda found a highly effective and safe drug for preventing transmission of HIV from an infected mother to her newborn. Independent studies have also confirmed this finding .This is more affordable and practical than any other examined to date .Results from the study show that a single oral dose of the antiretroviral drug nevirapine (NVP)given to an HIV infected woman in labor and another to her baby within 3 days of birth reduces the transmission rate of HIV by half compared with a similar short course of AZT(azidothymidine).In developed countries like the U.S,formula feeding is strongly recommended over breastfeeding for babies of HIV –positive mothers .Whether choosing breastfeeding or formula ,there should be little or no switching between the two as doing so could put the child at a higher risk of contracting HIV, since baby formula can be harsh and weaken the lining of a babies stomach, giving a path for HIV to enter the baby’s bloodstream.

The term Lipdystropy is used to describe a number of body shape changes and metabolic problems that can occur in HIV+ people. While HIV+ men and women both experience body shape changes, women are more likely to experience fat gain in the breasts and stomach. Lipodystrophy can dramatically alter your appearance. If you are concerned about how you look, speak to your doctor before making any changes to your HIV medication schedule that might jeopardize your health. Some of the symptoms of lipodystrophy have been linked with heart disease and strokes, so make sure to go to your doctor regularly and have your triglycerides, blood pressure,cholestrol, monitored. You can also support your body, and especially your heart, with a healthy diet, giving up smoking and regular exercise.

By Johnson Pinto Pinto

About the author:
HIV,AIDS,HIV Cure,HIV Treatment,HIV Infection,HIV Dating,HIV Positive,HIV Symptoms. Article Source:

TGP can help to prevent HIV/AIDS

- Mohammad Khairul Alam -
- HIV/AIDS programme Consultant -

Now a day AIDS is increasing all over the world in an enormous position. No country could face it successfully. It turns very unique position in some countries of Africa like Uganda, Gayer, Cambodia, and Sub Sahara region etc. East Asian some countries are also affected by this. In South Asian country like India is the second largest country in the world for HIV/ AIDS. There are 5.1 million people carry or suffer of this. It will be the main reason of our country for vulnerable of HIV/ AIDS. Because we have to depend in various reason of that country. Mainly our internal Business fully depends on it. Such there many way we bound to go India. Burma is another neighbor country is already a large number affected in here. AIDS surveillance specialist Mr. Parvage Shajjad Mollik said, “There are so many cultural values and socio economical systems are responsible for this increasing like this dieses, poverty and illiteracy is also responsible for this increasing. This indicator is not fully responsible but it helps to change behavior on so that. So if we want to prevent of this at first we have to emphasize to try to change sexual behavior. We did success to find out our vulnerable target groups and why they become vulnerable”.

HIV/ AIDS is a sexual disease, but it is deferent from other sexual transmission disease (STDs, STI). Other STDs have proper medicine and these diseases don’t create cause of die, but AIDS is very dangerous, there are no any alternative way to survive after it infection, it can end of life. We find out first vulnerable group in Bangladesh is injection drug user (IDUs) and second is professional sex worker. There are many reason every year are increasing IDUs all over in Bangladesh. It easy to get in every location in Bangladesh and chipper than other is the main reason for this; other reasons are political and socio-economical frustrations. Last year 4th surveillance report was about 4% IDUs are infected with HIV/AIDS all over in Bangladesh, but after one year we see the one area of Dhaka City this raise to 8.9%, this report we get from 5th surveillance survey. This ratio will be clouded in our social norm and can help to hamper our economical condition. Our country is very poor so we are not able to face a large number of patients like this disease.

So we have to take necessary steps to prevent it’s increasing. We need several level of advocacy champing to build up awareness of HIV/AIDS. We need to encourage gender/ reproductive health education, which not only prevent HIV/AIDS but also help to prevent others STDs/STI (Sexual Transmission Disease). We can influence our government education authority to include about HIV/AIDS details our primary and secondary level’s curriculum.

Gender education is essential in our country’s adolescent boys & girls. This education can play a vital role of empowerment our illiterate society. It can help to develop our adolescent into a proper knowledge. Religious superstition & fundamentalism prevents to get such kind of education from their childhood. But this knowledge is very important for mental & physical development, it can help their social interaction, social behavior, reproductive health & sanitation, sexual behavior, to able to adopt all kinds of social change, to awareness them of their rights etc. Individually lack of knowledge these one can create other problems.

We also increase peer educator for professional sex worker, peer educator means a group of person or individual who are take from target group or brothel to give them proper training. After training they can able to awareness others.

We need to take TGP (Target Group Promoter) strategy for residence or other sex worker. It is very affected for residence sex workers or hidden sex workers. TGP is a newly invention idea (Proved by Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation) which help to prevent HIV/AIDS. TGP is a one kind of source/ broker/ sealer (Called in Bengali is Dalal), who collects clients/ customers for residence sex workers; they encourage people to buy sex. Without TGP (Their nominated source) the residence sex worker doesn’t allow any new client. TGP will play a vital roll in our action. Residence Sex Workers (RSW) lives together three to ten in a house. They continue their business under a Guidance or Governance or a Teem Leader (is called Sharderni in Bengali). These teem leaders communicate with some local people, who help them by delivering customer or client, these people is called source (in Bengali called Dalal). They depend on each other. Some times those sources shelter them from local unexpected situation or from police harassment. If we could continue this action then TGP will play very important role. Because residence sex workers don’t stay long time in a house, they change their house after three to six months, but they always keep contact with their source (TGP) for continuing their business. For this reasons TGP is very important programme.

In some areas a group of drug user uses one syringe when they take drug. It is very dangerous for increasing HIV/AIDS. So we should try to alert them, and give advice them two or more drug user don’t use drug by a one syringe.

Mohammad Khairul AlamHIV/AIDS programme Consultant
Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation
24/3. M. C. Roy Lane
Nowbabgonj- Section

About the author:
Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation
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