
Article Index
HIV Drug and Treatment
- Changing Antiretroviral Therapy: Why, When, and How
- Nutrition and HIV
- Introduction: Why Do We Need a New Class of HIV Medications?
- Entry Inhibitors: A New Class of HIV Medications
- How Does Fuzeon Work?
- What We Know About Fuzeon
- Who Fuzeon Works Best For
- Fuzeon's Side Effects
- Conclusion: Fuzeon's Role in Treatment
- Ten Tips on Injecting Fuzeon
- FUZEON: avoiding injection-site reactions
- Could green tea prevent HIV?
- Ayurvedic Management of HIV/AIDS

- Scouts get the HIV message
- Perspectives on Asia Pacific AIDS conference
Myanmar: Towards universal access
Orphans with HIV/AIDS and Family Health and Wellness Programs to Benefit from Constella's Enhancing Human Health Grants
- Foods debunked as alternatives to AIDS meds
- Thailand HIV/AIDS Situation
- Kenya: HIV Patients Suffer As Drug is Recalled
- Niger's Religious Leaders Form Alliance To Prevent Spread Of HIV
- Morality Gets a Massage
An African Solution
- Greytown Hospital Kept Open with Help of Umvoti AIDS Centre Volunteers
- Guangdong faces severe HIV situation
- UN corrects itself, India’s HIV situation isn’t that bad
- New AIDS figures show low prevalence (India)
- The Sydney Declaration: Good Research Drives Good Policy and Programming - A Call to Scale Up Research
- Million more AIDS deaths forecast in South Africa by 2010
- Brazilian President Silva Issues Compulsory License for Merck's Antiretroviral Efavirenz
- FDA Approves First Oral Fluid Based Rapid HIV Test Kit
- HIV/AIDS funding gap could hit 50% by 2007: U.N. agency

- Red ribbon history
- HIV and AIDS in africa
Dr Krisana Kraisintu first used her pharmaceutical expertise to make HIV/Aids treatment affordable in Thailand, then she moved on to Africa
- Speech at Harward by Bill Gates
- Quit complain in
- Urban action networks; HIV/AIDS and community organizing in New York City
- Living With HIV


Ayurvedic Management of HIV/AIDS

Article sources :
by: Dr AbdulMubeen A Mundewadi

At present, there is no scientifically proved cure for HIV /AIDS. Globally, the number of infected HIV /AIDS patients is increasing at an alarming rate; with a current estimate of 33.2 million people who are living with HIV 1. Hence, there is a dire need to search for a safe, effective and economical treatment for HIV /AIDS.

In a retrospective study in 55 patients, Ayurvedic treatment has proved to be very promising in the management of HIV/AIDS. Fifty-Five adult patients were given Ayurvedic treatment for HIV/AIDS, during the period from April 1999 to November 2004.Each patient had tested positive for HIV/AIDS on at least 2 different occasions. No patient was taking anti-retroviral drugs at the time of commencing Ayurvedic treatment. All patients were started on treatment after written, informed consent.

The Ayurvedic Herbal Combination ( AHC ) comprises of eleven different herbs in different dosage strengths, based upon their respective potencies, reported anti-viral and immunomodulatory properties, and their traditional usage according to Ayurvedic principles of medicine 2 -4 .The constituents of AHC with their respective dosages are as follows:-Terminalia arjuna: 250 mg. ;Zinziber officinale: 250 mg. ;Phyllanthus niruri :1 gm ;Glycyrrhiza glabra:1gm. ;Withania somnifera:1gm. ;Eclipta alba: 250mg. ;Centella asiatica: 250mg. ;Boerhavia diffusa: 250mg. ;Emblica officinalis: 250mg. ;Tinospora cordifolia: 250mg. ;Rubia cordifolia: 250mg. This AHC was dispensed in a combined dose of 5 gms. t.i.d., to be taken with water after meals. Aqueous herbal extracts of all the medicines were used, in tablet form.

All patients were advised to eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet. Therapeutic counseling sessions were conducted regularly to help the patients achieve mind relaxation, to modify their risk behavior , and to increase adherence and compliance to therapy.

All patients were followed up at monthly intervals. Detailed clinical examination was done at each visit and significant findings were recorded. In addition, in affording and willing patients, investigations like CBC, Hb, Liver and Renal functions, X-Ray of chest, Western Blot, CD4 count and Viral Load were done wherever possible. Other investigations were done, if required, for Opportunistic Infections (O.I.).All O.I. were promptly and aggressively treated with modern medicines. A close watch was kept for adverse reactions of the drugs.

Therapeutic outcome was assessed by overall clinical examination, change in Karnofsky score (assessment for overall well-being of patients), change in weight, occurrence and response to O.I., and change in CD4 and Viral Load values. Maximum number of patients was in the age ranging from 20 - 39 years (80 %). Of the total number of 55 patients, 39 were male (71 % ) and 16 were female (29 %), with the male: female ratio being 2.4: 1. There were 7 couples who took treatment together.

Of the 55 patients, 5 patients died, 42 patients took treatment for varying periods and then stopped treatment, while 8 patients continued treatment till the end of the study period. The 5 patients who died were critically ill at the time of presentation, and died mostly within the first two months of starting Ayurvedic treatment. The cause of death varied ; 1 patient died from cirrhosis of the liver, 3 died of extensive Pulmonary Tuberculosis (multi-drug resistant) and 1 died of a combination of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and demyelination disease of the brain.

In the 50 patients who were alive till the time of their last follow-up , there was an average weight-gain of 2.3 kgs.(range = - 4 to + 7.5 kgs), usually within the first 3 months. In those patients who took continuous treatment for more than 3 months, the Karnofsky score increased from an average of 75.9 at the commencement of treatment to 87.4 at the last follow-up. Almost all the patients had 1-3 O.I. at the time of presentation. Other than Tuberculosis, all the O.I. cleared up rapidly within the first 2 months of treatment.

Long-term administration of Ayurvedic medicines (upto 30 months) did not seem to have any major adverse effects. In fact, in a few patients, the tests for liver and renal function appeared to normalize further, with treatment. Haemoglobin readings gradually improved in those patients taking regular, prolonged treatment.The most striking effect of the Ayurvedic medicines was on the Viral Load and CD4 counts. Because of financial constraints, only 15 patients (27 % ) agreed to do either the Viral Load or the CD4 count, or both. In most patients, there was a definite and steady decrease in the Viral Load, and an increase in the CD4 cell counts.

Antiretroviral medicines are the mainstay in the modern treatment of HIV/AIDS. However, a plethora of side-effects, development of resistance to drugs and escalating treatment costs are serious concerns. In the absence of a definite cure for HIV/AIDS, Ayurvedic medicines may provide a useful alternative for long-term management of patients, since these medicines are economical and devoid of serious side-effects. However, scientific research is necessary to determine efficacy of these medicines. This retrospective study is one such effort to assess long-term therapeutic effects of an Ayurvedic Herbal Combination in the management of HIV /AIDS.

In this study, 4 patients died within the first 2 months of commencing treatment. Onset of therapeutic effect is slow with Ayurvedic medicines, and these patients probably could not benefit from Ayurvedic treatment. This emphasizes the need to start treatment as early as possible in immuno-compromised patients. The causes of death indicate that Tuberculosis and CNS involvement are major killers in HIV patients. Multi-drug resistance to Tuberculosis is also a major concern.

16 patients ( 29% ) did not come back after just one ( 11% ) or two ( 18% ) visits. The reasons cited were, a complete inability to pay for treatment, or a search for a ‘better’ or a ‘guarenteed cure’. Fortunately, perceptions have changed in the last few years. Even illiterate patients from the lower socio-economic strata are no longer asking for a ‘guarantee’ or a ‘cure’. ‘Long-term management with minimum expenses’ is a mantra being readily accepted by the HIV positive patient of today.

All the patients who took medicines regularly, had a high-protein diet and kept themselves busy, improved very well and put on weight. Even 2 to 3 years after stopping Ayurvedic treatment, most of the patients are doing very well, some inspite of very low CD4 counts. This is probably one of the biggest long-term advantages of taking Ayurvedic medicines for HIV /AIDS. However, patients with socio-economic difficulties and a lot of psychological pressure who could not have access to regular treatment, started losing weight after initially improving with treatment. A comprehensive management of each patient thus needs to address several issues relevant to each individual patient.

This study also brought forth some interesting results. One patient who subsequently died, had severe demyelinating disease of the brain (as diagnosed in a major hospital), and had lost most of his motor control and sensory senses, since several months. After being given Ayurvedic treatment for about 1 ½ months he became alert, and could speak clearly, albeit temporarily, for 1 week. Another patient with Nephrotic syndrome resulting in long-standing generalized oedema (2 years ) had complete regression of the oedema after 2 months of Ayurvedic treatment without any other treatment. One HIV positive patient with suspected malignancy of lung in the right upper lobe was steadily losing weight. After starting Ayurvedic treatment, he started putting on weight. Another patient with history suggestive of HIV Encephalopathy was semi-conscious at presentation. He was passively fed on liquid diet and a combination of both modern drugs and Ayurvedic treatment. This patient be!

came ambulatory within 2 weeks, and after 2 months of treatment he was faring well, even with a CD4 count of just 6.The above 4 instances indicate that the Ayurvedic medicines may have multi-faceted properties and need further evaluation.

Thus,the retrospective study of 55 HIV positive adult patients treated with an Ayurvedic Herbal combination from April 1999 to November 2004 proved the Ayurvedic medicines to be highly effective as anti-viral and immuno-stimulant,and safe on long-term use. A nutritious diet, Ayurvedic baseline therapy, timely allopathic treatment of Opportunistic Infections and regular counseling support appears to be an ideal combination in the management of HIV/ AIDS patients.

1. UNAIDS. Global Summary of the AIDS Epidemic. Update December 2007.
2. Foundation for Integrative AIDS Research. Potential Anti- HIV Herbs. 15/9/2002.
3. Sharma P.V. Vegetable Drugs. Vol. II. IV Edition. Chaukhamba Publications.1978.
4. Dahanukar S A, Kulkarni R A, Rege N N. Pharmacology of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products. Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2000; 32: S81 - S118.

About The Author
Dr. A. A. Mundewadi is Chief Ayurvedic Physician at Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic based at Thane, Maharashtra, India. He is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and can be contacted at

Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, B.A.M.S., is a practicing Ayurvedic physician since the last 22 years. He is a graduate of R. A. Podar Medical (Ayurvedic ) College, Worli, Mumbai, India. During this period of 22 years, he has obtained considerable experience in the clinical treatment of a vast array of patients.

Ayurveda , basically means, a “ Science of Life”, and involves maintaining the health of healthy persons, and treating sick patients. Dr. Mundewadi has studied and experienced extensively all the principles of Ayurveda , involving a healthy life-style, diet regimes, body-cleansing through panch-karma procedures, and treatment with herbal and herbo-mineral compounds.

In addition to his background in Ayurveda, Dr. Mundewadi has also studied the therapeutic effects of Reiki( he is a 3rd degree Reiki Master), Acupuncture ( he has done a basic and an advanced course in Acupuncture), Hypnotherapy and Magnetotherapy. His current style of clinical practice is a culmination of his experience with all these different treatment modalities.

Dr. Mundewadi has been doing clinical research work since the last 9 years. He has published his findings of herbal treatment of HIV / AIDS in 55 patients in the Bombay Hospital Journal, Mumbai, India, July 2005 issue,which can be viewed at . He has also successfully completed a clinical trial of herbal extract medicines in Schizophrenia compared to modern anti-psychotics, in 200 patients( See ). He has also conducted preliminary studies of Ayurvedic herbal extracts in the treatment of Bipolar Disorder, Vascular Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Mental Retardation, and Tobacco and Alcohol Dependence. He also has a special interest in the herbal treatment of Age Related Macular Degeneration and different types of Cancer.

Copyright Clause: This article may be reproduced with full acknowledgement of the author's name and contact(url and E-mail) details.


Natural Remedy Succeeds Against Cancer And Hiv In South Africa

by: Tony Isaacs

Article Source:

Years ago, when I first began research into the amazing oleander plant, I ended up as a member of two Yahoo Health Groups about oleander. One was named "Anvirzel" (after the patented Oleander medicine which had passed FDA phase 1 trials a few years earlier) and the other "Oleandersoup" (named for the home remedy version of the patented medicine). I became friends and acquaintances with many people close to oleander and Anvirzel, as well as some opponents - one of whom later came after me with hired thugs posing as US Marshalls after I helped expose his fake cancer drug scheme (but that will have to wait for another story).

One of the people I met was a noted South African humanitarian, entrepreneur, crusader and researcher named Marc Swanepoel. Mr. Swanepoel was keenly interested in the oleander plant due to the epidemic of HIV-AIDS in his native country as well as the number of indigent cancer patients who could not afford mainstream treatment options (which were largely ineffective anyway). Like several of us in the groups, Mr. Swanepoel began making his own oleander home remedy after the instructions were posted by Ed Hensley "The Father of Oleander Soup" and the first moderator of the Yahoo "Oleandersoup" group. Unlike the rest of us, Mr. Swanepoel took things a few steps further and he began searching the Brazilian Rain Forest and his native South Africa for other botanicals to combine with oleander.

After testing various combinations, Mr. Swanepoel settled on two similar botanical supplements which consisted of 80% oleander extract made exactly according to the oleander soup instructions. The first supplement was for HIV/AIDS patients and it added extracts of the agaricus blazei murrill (ABM) mushroom, cats claw, and pau de arco, while the second supplement, intended for cancer, substituted the relatively rare chrysobalanus icaco (red-tipped coco plum) for the pau de arco. All of the rain forest botanicals added to the oleander have their own histories of successful immune boosting and cancer fighting abilities, some dating back centuries among the indigenous Amazon peoples. I asked Marc why he used oleander for 80% or the mix and he confided that, as potent as the other botanicals were, he felt that oleander was by far the most effective botanical he had ever found.

Mr. Swanepoel soon selected a Brazilian manufacturing facility named Takesun do Brasil to make his supplements for him and he also licensed them to market his supplements around the world. Takesun is managed (or was) by a German PhD named George Otto (The Takesun website, a bit rough in the English version, can be found at - but I do NOT recommend that you buy any of their products at this time! I will just say that I believe that there are better and more reliable sources and that Marc Swanepoel agrees and leave it at that.)

Ultimately, the OPC product grew to be quite successful, especially in Dr. Otto's native Germany. So much so, that two clinic were built which used only the OPC and Agaricus products and Dr. Otto ended up moving back to Germany where plans are in the works for a hospital built around an oleander/agaricus protocol.

Meanwhile, in South Africa, Mr. Swanepoel returned to his native South Africa and made notable progress of his own - first getting the government to embrace the use of his oleander supplements for HIV and cancer and then getting it accepted by various doctors and clinics as well as gaining some support at the university level. Over the past three years, he and I have kept in touch and he has told me many times of the success his supplements have had in helping HIV and cancer patients, but I have too admit that I was somewhat remiss in digging a bit deeper and finding out the true scope of the success until the first part of this year when I asked Mr. Swanepoel how the patients in South Africa were faring and he reported back:

"Everything still ok here and cancer patients as well as HIV patients on the oleander mix are doing well. The medical doctor in Cape Town who is using the mix for all his cancer patients has continued to have good results. The oncologist where he sends his patients to (a woman) was so impressed with the results that she is now using it herself for prevention.

. . to date, the only patients that did NOT make it on the oleander mix were three patients with very advanced cancer that had metastasized to the liver and who had been on intensive chemo treatments. In my opinion, the effect of the chemo on the and liver and heart eventually led to failure of those organs."

Needless to say, I was very impressed with the news, but after thinking about it, I started to wonder "3 patients out of how many did not make it"? So, to try to get a better perspective I asked Marc in a follow up message and the response I received astounded me! Just when I thought I could not possibly be even more impressed with oleander, based on my research and first hand experience with oleander users including friends and members of my own family, I got this incredible message from Marc:

"Hi Tony,

"Approximately 350 HIV/AIDS patients have used it and about 80 cancer patients on a regular basis. Of the cancer patients, 5 arrived when they had about a week to 10 days to live and they were too weak to keep the mix down. They died without really being able to try the mix. 3 (the ones I mentioned to you) died of liver and heart failure. All the others are still alive, some now for nearly three years. One breast cancer patient who was given a few months to live eventually became the patient of the oncologist who is now also using the mix. She was declared free of cancer by the oncologist approximately 1 year ago and is still doing well. Others used it for a few months until their cancers were gone and we have not heard from them again. One patient with a festering hole of 1cm diameter on his nose (about half a cm deep) have been using it for three months after doctors were unable to cure the tumor with radiation. The hole is now half the size and not festering anymore. It should be healed in about 3 - 6 months. The doctor in Cape Town whose own wife had metastasized cancer to the bones, is now cancer free. She has been on overseas trips and lives a normal life."

Unfortunately, I do not have time to keep track of all the patients. They just collect the mix from me and phone me from time to time to say that they are doing well. It also seems to help for asthma, male impotence and diabetes. One advanced MS patient have now used it for 2 months and is reporting that it seems to help for the pain in her legs. All the distribution is happening by word of mouth and I don't advertise at all. I have had orders from the UK from people who had heard about the successes in South Africa. A documentary maker there was filming the progress of his wife on a weekly basis but, unfortunately, she was one of the liver complications. He still believes very firmly that the mix gave his wife an extra 5 months of high quality life."

I was almost dumbfounded to hear such news. 100% success on HIV and almost the same for cancers? I knew that oleander was almost always successful, but I had never really seen numbers like that before! If I had not known Mr. Swanepoel for years now and know his character and accomplishments I would have doubted such numbers myself - and I am maybe the number one oleander fan in the galaxy!

The numbers Mr. Swanepoelquote, mirror the results I am familiar with from around the world and in my own family, friends and health forum - especially those who combine a good diet and lifestyle and do not depend on oleander alone. For years, it has pretty much been used as a stand alone product. Marc, like myself, has recommended cleansing and de-toxing along with a very healthy diet and lifestyle to go along with the oleander. I take it a step further and recommend that other immune boosting and cancer fighting supplements also be used - not because I have any doubts in the magical powers of oleander, but because I think the more weapons in your arsenal, the more likely you are to win the battle and the war.

Recently, I received yet another update:

"Tony -

Since my last update to you when the total number of HIV/AIDS patients were about 350 and the total number of cancer patients were about 80, I have given the new mix to an additional 130 people with advanced AIDS and to a further 15 people with cancer. The people with AIDS, without exception, are doing fine and mostly resume their normal activities after 6 - 8 weeks. The son of the senior nurse at the clinic where I am doing my research was a case with advanced AIDS, badly swollen legs and barely walking with the aid of crutches. After 4 weeks, he does not need the crutches anymore and his mother reports that he is now singing in the morning. There are many similar cases and I have no doubt that the oleander mix can control HIV/AIDS better than the antiretrovirals.

I do not supply the mixture to many new cancer patients locally myself, but the doctor in Cape Town as well as two other people are regularly taking a total of at least 15 bottles of the mixture (500ml) from me every month for patients and friends who hear about it by word of mouth. The guy with the hole in the nose is now ok and the wound is nearly gone. He has brought another friend with a similar open cancerous wound on the nose that doctors have been unable to cure and he is taking the mix as well as an ointment that I make (ozonated olive oil mixed with the oleander). He has been taking it for 3 weeks and reports that he can already see a difference.

Two of the cancer patients who were in remission had recurrences of small tumours (but not in the same place as before). Against my advice, they had both stopped using the mix after their doctors had declared them clear of any tumours. As I mentioned to you before, I believe the cancer will always return UNLESS one changes the things that caused the cancer in the first place. The oleander and all other successful treatments allow one the breathing space to give effect to such changes.



As a final note: Mr. Swanepoel has recently began manufacturing his own OPC oleander supplement and, after a lengthy period of testing, also changed the formula to 80% oleander and 20% sutherlandia frutescens (the South Africa "Cancer Bush". He reports that the new addition does more than the other three combined ingredients in the other formulations. Mr. Swanepoel is in fact, doing a doctoral thesis based on the use of oleander in combination with s. frutescens that should be completed in a few months.

For those who would like to know a bit more about the South Africa "Cancer Bush", you can find a wealth of information at

Live long, live healthy, live happy!

About The Author
Tony Isaacs is a natural health researcher and author of books and articles about natural health and alternative remedies including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and "Collected Remedies" (

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