
Article Index
HIV Drug and Treatment
- Changing Antiretroviral Therapy: Why, When, and How
- Nutrition and HIV
- Introduction: Why Do We Need a New Class of HIV Medications?
- Entry Inhibitors: A New Class of HIV Medications
- How Does Fuzeon Work?
- What We Know About Fuzeon
- Who Fuzeon Works Best For
- Fuzeon's Side Effects
- Conclusion: Fuzeon's Role in Treatment
- Ten Tips on Injecting Fuzeon
- FUZEON: avoiding injection-site reactions
- Could green tea prevent HIV?
- Ayurvedic Management of HIV/AIDS

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- Thailand HIV/AIDS Situation
- Kenya: HIV Patients Suffer As Drug is Recalled
- Niger's Religious Leaders Form Alliance To Prevent Spread Of HIV
- Morality Gets a Massage
An African Solution
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- HIV and AIDS in africa
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- Urban action networks; HIV/AIDS and community organizing in New York City
- Living With HIV


Conclusion: Fuzeon's Role in Treatment

Source :

Fuzeon -- A Review of the First Entry Inhibitor

By Calvin Cohen, M.D., M.S.

Remember that Fuzeon is, ultimately, not a whole lot different from the HIV medications that came before it. Although it works differently than previously approved HIV medications, and has the novelty and challenge of being injected -- requiring a new set of skills by providers and the people using it -- it ultimately is just another HIV medication.

The suppression of HIV provided by Fuzeon in combination with other mediations can last a long time and help your immune system rebuild itself. This can help your health improve over time.

However, Fuzeon has some of the same vulnerabilities and challenges shared by all medications. Although HIV can develop resistance to it, it works best and lasts longest when it is combined with at least one other working medication, preferably two other potent medications. It can provide substantial HIV suppression when used within an already-working regimen and can more than double the rates of suppression when incorporated into the regimens of people facing resistance to the other drug classes.

Fuzeon is a vital drug to understand as we confront the formidable task of providing effective treatment for the many people facing resistance to prior regimens. It is the only drug from a new class that will be available during the next few years. When used correctly, it has provided real and long-lasting HIV control, and has been a critically important contribution to the fight against HIV.

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