
Article Index
HIV Drug and Treatment
- Changing Antiretroviral Therapy: Why, When, and How
- Nutrition and HIV
- Introduction: Why Do We Need a New Class of HIV Medications?
- Entry Inhibitors: A New Class of HIV Medications
- How Does Fuzeon Work?
- What We Know About Fuzeon
- Who Fuzeon Works Best For
- Fuzeon's Side Effects
- Conclusion: Fuzeon's Role in Treatment
- Ten Tips on Injecting Fuzeon
- FUZEON: avoiding injection-site reactions
- Could green tea prevent HIV?
- Ayurvedic Management of HIV/AIDS

- Scouts get the HIV message
- Perspectives on Asia Pacific AIDS conference
Myanmar: Towards universal access
Orphans with HIV/AIDS and Family Health and Wellness Programs to Benefit from Constella's Enhancing Human Health Grants
- Foods debunked as alternatives to AIDS meds
- Thailand HIV/AIDS Situation
- Kenya: HIV Patients Suffer As Drug is Recalled
- Niger's Religious Leaders Form Alliance To Prevent Spread Of HIV
- Morality Gets a Massage
An African Solution
- Greytown Hospital Kept Open with Help of Umvoti AIDS Centre Volunteers
- Guangdong faces severe HIV situation
- UN corrects itself, India’s HIV situation isn’t that bad
- New AIDS figures show low prevalence (India)
- The Sydney Declaration: Good Research Drives Good Policy and Programming - A Call to Scale Up Research
- Million more AIDS deaths forecast in South Africa by 2010
- Brazilian President Silva Issues Compulsory License for Merck's Antiretroviral Efavirenz
- FDA Approves First Oral Fluid Based Rapid HIV Test Kit
- HIV/AIDS funding gap could hit 50% by 2007: U.N. agency

- Red ribbon history
- HIV and AIDS in africa
Dr Krisana Kraisintu first used her pharmaceutical expertise to make HIV/Aids treatment affordable in Thailand, then she moved on to Africa
- Speech at Harward by Bill Gates
- Quit complain in
- Urban action networks; HIV/AIDS and community organizing in New York City
- Living With HIV


AIDS victims 'buried alive' in PNG

source :

Mon Aug 27, 12:26 PM ET

PORT MORESBY (AFP) - Some AIDS victims are being buried alive in Papua New Guinea by relatives who cannot look after them and fear becoming infected themselves, a health worker said Monday.

Margaret Marabe, who spent five months carrying out an AIDS awareness campaign in the remote Southern Highlands of the South Pacific nation, said she had seen five people buried while still breathing.

One was calling out "Mama, Mama" as the soil was shoveled over his head, said Marabe, who works for a volunteer organisation called Igat Hope, Pidgin English for I've Got Hope.
"One of them was my cousin, who was buried alive," she told reporters.

"I said, 'Why are they doing that?' And they said, 'If we let them live, stay in the same house, eat together and use or share utensils, we will contract the disease and we too might die.'"
Villagers had told her it was common for people to bury AIDS victims alive.

Marabe appealed to the government and aid agencies to ensure the HIV/AIDS awareness programme carried out in cities and towns was extended to the rural areas, where ignorance about the disease is widespread.

Women accused of being witches have been tortured and murdered by mobs holding them responsible for the apparently inexplicable deaths of young people stricken by the epidemic, officials and researchers say.

A recent United Nations report said PNG was facing an AIDS catastrophe, accounting for 90 percent of HIV infections in the Oceania region.

HIV diagnoses had risen by around 30 percent a year since 1997, leaving an estimated 60,000 people living with the disease in 2005.

My comment : I feel so sad about this news. There are still many people all over the world that misunderstood about AIDS. Someone think that if only live with HIV patients, they can be infected by HIV (The truth is HIV can be spread by sexual transmission, by blood, mucous or semen). So this's the tragedy for our world, therefore Education and announcement about AIDS/HIV are such important missions for everyone,also UNAIDS.

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